would like a classification based on the ICD so as to assess their progress in health care and in the 457.1 Other lymphoedema. Elephantiasis (nonfilarial) NOS.
ICD-9-CM Vol. 1 Diagnostic Codes 457.9 - Unspecified noninfectious disorder of lymphatic channels The above description is abbreviated. This code description may also have Includes, Excludes, Notes, …
externa länkar. Klassificering. D · ICD - 10 : I89.0 · ICD - 9-CM : 457.1 · MeSH : C536567 · Sjukdomar DB : 12214 14 jan. 2021 — Norwegian Lundehund , Basenji och Yorkshire Terrier . Referenser. externa länkar. Klassificering.
ICD-10 · I89.0 , I97.2 , Q82.0 · ICD-9, 457.0 , 457.1 , 757.0 · OMIM · 153100 · DiseasesDB · 7679. 2 feb. 2021 — av lymfkärlen. Referenser.
454.0. Varicose veins or Stasis Dermatitis of Lower Extremities with Ulceration. 454.2. Varicose Vein or Stasis Dermatitis with Inflammation and Ulceration. 457.1 .
2,347. 6,110. 810.8. 419.2.
Elefantijaza (lat. Elephantiasis) je bolest koja se karakteriše povećanjem volumena kože (derma) i potkožnog tkiva (hipoderma) što dovodi do njihovog znatnog zadebljanja (pahidermatitisa) a nekada i do znatnih deformacija zahvaćenih delova.
59 If episode ICD-9 code starts with: 457.0, 457.1, or 782.3.
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43. 502.7. 2. 248.4. 2.
457.0. Postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome. 457.1.
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Elephantiasis 457.1. surgical NEC NEC "Not elsewhere classifiable" This abbreviation in the index represents “other specified” when a specific code is not available for a condition the index directs the coder to the “other specified” code in the tabular. 997.99. postmastectomy syndrome 457.0; Obliteration. lymphatic vessel 457.1
ICD-9 Index; Chapter: 390–459; Section: 451-459; Block: 457 Noninfective disorders of lymphatic channels; 457.1 Elephantiasis 457.1. surgical NEC NEC "Not elsewhere classifiable" This abbreviation in the index represents “other specified” when a specific code is not available for a condition the index directs the coder to the “other specified” code in the tabular.
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Waldmann disease is a rare disease characterized by enlargement of the lymph vessels supplying the lamina propria of the small intestine.. Although its prevalence is unknown, it being classified as a "rare disease" means that less than 200,000 of the population of the United States are affected by this condition and its subtypes.
Det är av 175, 2015, 6.1, 147.5, 314.3, 457.1, 369.9. 26, 2011, 78.1, 33.9, 457.1, 8.2, 577.3, 2011, 71.9, 31.2, 420.9, 7.5, 531.5. 27, 2012, 79.5 3, ICD10, Huvudsjukdomens sjukdomsgrupp, Antal.